We know that it takes hard work and dedication to get through school. With the commitment of awarding up to 20 scholarship applicants each year, we’d like to highlight some of our past scholarship winners’ accomplishments and stories. Check out what some of the winners have to say!

Wyatt Luebbert
I started working for a local construction company every summer after eighth grade, and while working… I knew that a hands-on career is what I wanted. When I first started, the small details that go into working with heating, ventilation, and air conditioning were very difficult for me to learn, but once I developed the necessary skills, it became natural to me.

Dane Conely
I am eager and energetic to learn about my passion and to apply what I learn to everyday life. I enjoyed trying to solve the puzzle of what was wrong with the units.

Daniel Faulconer
I knew I didn’t want to go to a big university and take a bunch of classes that didn’t seem important to me. I always knew that I wanted to learn a skill or a trade that would lead me into a great career.

Daniel Karrels
I need a career that I enjoy, and that challenges me mentally and physically. The more I learn about HVAC, the more I like it, and want to succeed in it.

Glenn Paul
I have always been drawn to mechanical, scientific, or mathematical hobbies. After completing my program, I plan to work on a commercial level where I can help with maintenance and installations in many places such as hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and apartment buildings.

O’Shaey Harris
I choose HVAC because growing up I had watched how successful my uncles were that had taken up this profession. I decided this field would be my best option, and I am happy with my decision because I am learning more than I expected.

Thomas Heiderscheit
I never felt like I had really found a job that gave me personal satisfaction and that I could see myself doing for many years to come, until a friend approached me about with an opportunity to ride along with an HVAC service tech. After connecting with the owner, I was really excited about the opportunity to work for the company…and with that was the opportunity to further my education.

Jonathan Adams
Another reason HVAC interests me is that the job does not revolve around being stuck in an office all the time. I want a career where I encounter new challenges everyday so that I can continue to learn and be challenged.

Jordan Crane
I would love to be able to give back to the community by being there for them when they are in need. I would like to pursue and apply myself to the HVAC trade and eventually run my own business so that I can make a difference in people’s lives.

Joshua Furse
The fact that HVAC involves several useful skill sets was appealing to me, but it became even more attractive when I discovered how much of a demand there was for the occupation. In the future, it is my goal to be able to assist ministries…with their HVAC needs, just like the technician who inspired me to be in HVAC.

Kemberly Stephens
My group of friends has been inspired to do our part to change the housing market. Our community is riddled with blighted homes that heirs have left to rot away. I am pursuing this industry to eliminate the blight in our city and to create affordable housing to attract a strong working class.

Lance Lines
Doing work hands on and having to be the one to solve problems and create systems that work, is very satisfying to me. Pursuing a career in HVAC was already in mind when it was introduced to me by my high school.

Luis Trejo
Anywhere around the United States HVAC technicians are needed and this gave me more reason to want to pursue this career. I would love to work for a company that has the same values about customer service as I do.

Owen Bartman
It was a career where, not only could I stay where I’ve lived my whole life, but I could help everyone in my area that I’ve known for so long. In the future I am open to the possibility of starting my own business…

Richard Campbell
I was inspired by family and friends that are currently working in the HVAC field, they have shown me opportunities that I am interested in pursuing in the HVAC field. I am looking forward to working in the R/HVAC field for a company or possibly start up my own business.

Arica Jones
In this field it is hard, especially me being a female, but it does not discourage me, it makes me push even harder to prove to myself what I can do and what I am capable of. My parents taught me about how hard work will pay off and you can reap great benefits from your efforts… but putting everything to work is where you will get all the results.

Benjamin Ossai
I like the tech side of it as well as being able to use my hands. After completing my first semester I am very happy with my decision to peruse HVAC as my new career.

Landon Ottesen
North Dakota
HVAC gives me the opportunity to have a career that has a large variety of services to perform with no service being the same. In the distant future I am intending on becoming a master of the trade.